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Domain Information

As mentioned in the problem specification, I am not conversant in much of the domain information, and my job is to build an empty hierarchy. It is most important, therefore, that the maintainers are conversant in the domain information, and this is what this section will specify.

The domain information can be split into three parts;

Information the developers must know

The majority of the domain information for the ICS web will come from within the ICS department, and, in theory, most members of staff will already be well versed in this information. Specifically, the following information is required;

Domain information acquisition

After this web has been implemented by myself, the only domain information will be specific to the ICS department. Maintainers will have to acquire the above information from the relevant source within the ICS department. This should cause few problems, as all this information is already present.

The remaining domain information (Internet links), I will acquire myself be researching existing Internet resources, including those already held on the current ICS web.

Maintaining the information

Again, this will be done entirely within the department and should pose few problems. As for non-departmental information, such as Internet resources, these may be updated as and when maintainers feel necessary and/or discover new resources.

The Research and Development of the Informatics Web The Development of the ICS web Next Page